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I know its hard to believe but I love watching sports. Mainly because its so competitive and I love a competition! Also the atmosphere is very exciting and fun because everyone shares the same love for the sport and gets so into it. This past year my boyfriend and I invested in season tickets to

The Houston Dynamo. BEST. DECISION. EVER.

Yes, season tickets to any sport are pretty pricey but Its so worth it and you really get what you're paying for. I can only tell you from this specific team from personal experience but I'm positive all the others are going to be the same.

First off, there are so many perks you can get from having season tickets. There are also special events that only members are invited to. My experience so far has been nothing but the best. I remember one game it was pretty gloomy/ misting and we still had a blast! I got the chance to take pictures with majority of the team and even some opponent teams. LOL I make it a goal to have a picture or selfie with every player on the team.

I'm not a person who would just spend a crap load of money for no reason. Trust me, #brokecollegegraduateprobs. I ALWAYS have such a good time at every single game plus it makes for fun dates with my best friend.

Most defiantly will be getting season tickets again! 10/10 Would recommend! #ForeverOrange #HoustonDynamo

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